retro games

Monday FlaaashBaaack! Shinobi 3 Return of the Ninja Master


Blazing across a valley on a horse while ninjas dropped from kites? Are you kidding me? I would always pull the move where fire would shoot up from the ground while the horse was in mid-jump. I started the game over so many times just to do that. My friends hated me. Ha!

Wednesday Flaaashbaaack: Skate or Die

Lester! You will probably hear me say this a lot, but Skate or Die was my game. I actually thought it would teach me how to be a great skateboarder. It did not. It was the first game I owned that had more than the two player option. Up to 8 people could play, so on Saturdays our living room was packed with neighborhood kids trying to get a spot. Downhill jam was my best and favorite event. Downhill race was the worst especially when I would accidently choose goofy foot. Grrr…

Friday Flaaashbaaack: Kung Fu


“Your love Sylvia is in custody now. If you want to save your dear Sylvia’s life, come to the Devil’s Temple at once. 5 sons of the devil will entertain you.” -Mr. X

This was the note that was left behind after Kung-Fu Master Thomas’ girlfriend, Sylvia, was kidnapped by a gang lead by the evil Mr. X. Now it’s up to Thomas to save her while fighting off Mr. X’s crew, snakes falling from the ceiling, deadly moths, and exploding confetti balls.

My gosh, I look at this game now and it seems so short. Less than 10 minutes of actual game play, but my friends and I would play it for hours every chance we got and never bored of it. Good stuff.

Regrets: Super Mario Bros. 3

Of all the games that I regret having never completed, Super Mario Bros. 3 is at the top of the list. An unquestionable NES classic and one of the greatest video games ever made shut me down. I simply could not make it through World 8. Stupid hand trap! Hundreds of attempts made and I failed, time after time after time.

Many years later I was given a chance at redemption when Super Mario Bros 3 became available on Wii’s Virtual Console. Would I finally be able to rid myself of the shame that has followed me for over two decades? NOPE! Once again I could not get past the World 8 hand trap. I hate that hand! Grrr…I am accepting defeat on this one. You win, Angry Sun. You win.