the simpsons

Get The Smelling Salts! The Simpsons Legos

I saw this and fell right over. I have never really been into Legos, but I am a die hard Simpsons fan. I will purchase almost anything they are licensed to. This 2,523 piece set will be available soon and will be taking up space in my home shortly there after. I love the box. It has an early 80’s vibe to it.




Ha! On first look I thought Maggie was holding a gun. If you’re familiar with the show you know that that assumption is not far from the realm of possibility. Maggie, star of the Oscar nominated short, The Longest Daycare, keeps a shotty. But I’m sure that’s just Flanders‘ Homer’s drill.



I’m hoping the Simpsons/ Lego alliance does not end with this set. A Lego Simpsons video game needs to happen. Please, for the love of Jebus, someone make that happen.




The Simpsons Sixteenth Season DVD and Blu Ray

Hoyvin Glavin! Season 16 of the greatest television show ever created is now available on Blu Ray and DVD. Gracing the box cover is none other than Professor Frink, inventor of hamburger earmuffs and star of “The Tomfoolery of Professor John Frink”.

I thought the season was good overall. I’ve watched a few episode multiple times since I bought it this past weekend, but sadly, for me, this is the season where some cracks started to show. As painful as it is to admit, there are more than a couple of forgettable episodes. Wrap up:

Favorite season 16 episode:

This is a toughie, so I’m going to list three: “All’s Fair In Oven War”, “Future-Drama”, and “Sleeping With the Enemy”.

Least favorite season 16 episode:

It’s a toss-up between “Pranksta Rap” and “There’s Something About Marrying”.

Favorite line of the season: 

“Just cause it was cooked in a garbage can don’t make it garbage.” -Brandine Spuckler, “All’s Fair In Oven War”