blu ray

The Vault: Miami Vice and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City


I’m sitting here watching the first season of the 1980’s cop show, Miami Vice, on Netflix. I was fairly young when it originally aired so I don’t remember much of the actual show- only how people were gaga over it and a sockless Don Johnson. Of course what it does make me think of is one of the greatest video games of all time- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


Oh sweet freedom. From the moment I jacked my first car, I was in love with this game. The reckless driving in fancy and crappy vehicles, the mindless violence, the hilarious characters, the awesome 80’s soundtrack, the crazy DJ’s and radio commercials, the killer weapon inventory, being chased by every arm of law enforcement, the prostitutes, and the freedom to do whatever you wanted made this game an instant classic. I loved it all. You can even sell dope from an ice cream truck. That right there says it all.

Here is some interesting reading. Besides Miami Vice here a list of 13 movies that inspired this classic. Jump over to Rockstar

Archer aka The Best Show on Television Is Back!


Suave master spy Sterling Archer along with Lana, Mallory, Ray, Pam, Cheryl, Cyril, Kreiger, and Woodhouse all make their return tonight on FX. I haven’t seen a single second of footage or read anything regarding this season’s Archer, and I don’t need to because this show is beyond anything. It’s fast-paced, clever, edgy (seemingly without trying to be), mean, and as funny as anything I have ever seen. Absolutely brilliant!

There is no question that i will be tuning in. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. If you have seen it then watch more of it,

The Simpsons Sixteenth Season DVD and Blu Ray

Hoyvin Glavin! Season 16 of the greatest television show ever created is now available on Blu Ray and DVD. Gracing the box cover is none other than Professor Frink, inventor of hamburger earmuffs and star of “The Tomfoolery of Professor John Frink”.

I thought the season was good overall. I’ve watched a few episode multiple times since I bought it this past weekend, but sadly, for me, this is the season where some cracks started to show. As painful as it is to admit, there are more than a couple of forgettable episodes. Wrap up:

Favorite season 16 episode:

This is a toughie, so I’m going to list three: “All’s Fair In Oven War”, “Future-Drama”, and “Sleeping With the Enemy”.

Least favorite season 16 episode:

It’s a toss-up between “Pranksta Rap” and “There’s Something About Marrying”.

Favorite line of the season: 

“Just cause it was cooked in a garbage can don’t make it garbage.” -Brandine Spuckler, “All’s Fair In Oven War”